Recent Projects

- Village Development Program
Shane also ran a three day workshop in collaboration with the Diamond Valley Learning Centre in 2014 on Sustainable Communities.
Shane is running two private EDE’s for communities in 2015
- Ecovillage Design Courses
Shane also ran a three day workshop in collaboration with the Diamond Valley Learning Centre in 2014 on Sustainable Communities.
Shane is running two private EDE’s for communities in 2015
- Mediation & Facilitation
Shane played the role of facilitator and mediator of the Homelands Community Intentional Community Gathering, August 2015, Thora Valley, NSW
- Review of the Moorabool Planning Scheme, Moroobool Shire Council, Victoria
Shane undertook a complete review of the Moorabool Planning Scheme in 2014. This included a 40 page report on how the Planning Scheme can include changes and updates in State and Federal legalislation and incorporated stakeholders views.
- Community Mediation
Shane successfully mediated an environmental group who were lacking vision, direction and increasing conflict in 2014
- EarthBag Feature
Managed the construction EarthBag landscape features in Victoria

- Eco Nois
Assisted in the initial setup of Eco Nois – an eco centre for networking and sustainable activities located in Alto Pariaso, Brazil.